Blue moon 2018: How to see the supermoon on Jan 31. Jan. 31 will be a trifecta of lunar awesomeness. For the first time in 150 years , there will be a super blue blood moon . This means: Ø The moon will be a "supermoon," which is when the Earth is closer than usual to its satellite. The moon will be 223,068 miles (358,994 km) from Earth, instead of the average distance of 238,855 miles (384,400 km), making the moon 14 percent brighter than usual, according to NASA . Ø It's the second full moon of the month, which is known as a "blue moon." This doesn't make it look any different, it's just a quirk of the calendar. Ø The moon will also be moving through the Earth's shadow, which will create a total lunar eclipse in some areas. This will give it a reddish tint, which is called a "blood moon." Where it will appear Unfortunately, not everyone will get a live, front-row seat to the super blue blood moon. "For ...